Thursday 9 October 2014

Say no to mainstream food photography

Food photography is an ongoing trend in various social networks. Many individuals upload or update various photographs of food, which they have eaten or about to eat. However, many fails to understand that food photography is more than status updates. Based on my personal opinion, pictures should be able to talk through the flavours, textures and colours of a dish. For example, look at the picture above. This particular main course is one of my fall season creations. The photography had clearly portrayed the cookery of the components on the plate. Especially the venison, which had been sous-vide cooked at 55°C. At a glance, one would notice the nice sear on the outside of the meat and the rareness in the inside. In addition, due to the usage of vibrant coloured ingredients such as beets, butternut squash and red currents, this dish is simply a treat to the eyes as well as the palate.

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